General background:
newer addition: now not only Bush's own EPA but the Bush government multi-agency report says humans cause cliimate change White House report says people cause global warming. By Maggie McKee
You would have a hard time knowing it listening to the mainstream media but here are some of the groups warning:
1) Statement warning about Global Warming by Thomas Karl, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's NATIONAL CLIMATIC DATA CENTER, and Kevin Trenberth, head of the CLIMATE ANALYSIS SECTION at NCAR:
The scientists conclude that industrial emissions have been the dominant influence on climate change for the past 50 years, overwhelming natural forces.
2) AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION warns about climate change:
What CNN may not tell you, even Christy, one of the so called "skeptics" admits this in the above article: "[Even Christy] is convinced that human activities are the major cause of the global warming that has been measured," and that "It is scientifically inconceivable that after changing forests into cities, turning millions of acres into farmland, putting massive quantities of soot and dust into the atmosphere and sending quantities of greenhouse gases into the air, that the natural course of climate change hasn't been increased in the past century.''" Yet he is quoted out of context as a "skeptic" in mainstream media (with Straw Men about 'let's not claim the world will end tomorrow" (which no one does) and the public still thinks there is a "debate" about whether climate change is real and furthermore, is mostly (see "the major cause" above and other similar quotes elsewhere) is mostly human caused.
"Anecdotal evidence that the world's weather is getting wilder now has a solid scientific basis in fact following a dramatic global assessment from the World Meteorological Organization."
4) (this should be item #1, they are the largest body of experts in the world and one of largest the largest if not the largest open scientific peer review process in the world) The IPCC, the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, the largest group of climate experts in the world, conducting one of the largest (if not the largest) open, scientific peer-review in history. They warn with increasing gravity about climate change. ( Lots of BBC stories, see "cuts of 50-70% are needed" in BBC citations below.
5) THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE, the most prestigious (and publisher of Science Magazine, one of the two most prestigious science journals (the other being the journal Nature):
"Climate experts urge immediate action to offset impact of global warming"
"Governments and consumers in the United States and worldwide should take immediate steps to reduce the threat of global warming and to prepare for a future in which coastal flooding, reduced crop yields and elevated rates of climate-related illness are all but certain, top U.S. scientists said Tuesday.
"At a meeting organized by AAAS [American Association for the Advancement of Science] and its journal, Science, the climate researchers argued that while some policy experts and sectors of the public dispute the risk, there is in fact no cause for doubt: The world is significantly warmer today than it was a century ago -- and it's getting warmer.."
Also ( They note that: "Scientists generally agree that temperatures are rising as a result of human activities such as fossil-fuel burning, which releases carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases. This warming has caused glacial melting and subsequent increases in sea levels worldwide.."
- While some U.S. politicians and business leaders debate whether
global warming truly exists, knowledgeable scientists no longer do, a
leading expert on global warming and future climate change said
yesterday. "The debate has changed in the last 10 years. No credible
scientist debates that it is happening," said Eric J. Barron, a
Pennsylvania State University geoscientist and the chairman of a
special climate change panel last year for the National Academy of
Sciences, one which was requested by the White House.
(On massive wave of extinction (not directly, but partially and indirectly due
to climate change), the UK Academy of Science:
more gif graphics
In 2003 CO2 went from 276 to 279 part per million in just one year,
A-1) "At that meeting, developed countries agreed to cut their
emissions by an average of 5% on 1990 levels. But it's not a done
deal. The devil is in the detail. And it's this detail that'll
determine how countries actually meet their targets.
But scientists are saying we need to go much further. Dr Graeme
Pearman, Chief of CSIRO Atmospheric Research says we have to cut our
current emissions by more than 60% if we're to stabilise carbon
dioxide levels in the atmosphere."
A-2) Signatories will by some time between 2008 and 2012 have to cut
emissions to 5.2% below their 1990 levels.
But many scientists say cuts of around 60-70% will be needed by
mid-century to avoid runaway climate change.
The convention's executive secretary, Ms Joke Waller-Hunter, told BBC
News Online: "It's wrong to think the protocol will do so little that
it's insignificant.
"It's a very important first step that can lead to much more
far-reaching measures. Yes, it's a peanut [meaning a 5% cut is a
small part of what's necessary] - but a vital one in the
long run."
A-3) Though very few Americans know it, even the UK's conservative
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds knows it:
"The RSPB said: 'As carbon emissions continue to increase, it is
increasingly clear that far more has to be done in order to stabilise
greenhouse gas concentrations at a low level and slow down global
The first three quotes and website URLs below are references to
the far under-reported fact that the world's scientific consensus
(here is one example of 'percents' since you like to
hear percents, even though, yes, it is a different
perfect) is that we need cuts of 50 to 70 percent in
greenhouse emissions to avoid 'dangerous' global warming, versus the 5%
under Kyoto (which BBC reported is more like 3% with all the
watering-down 'measures' added to get Japan et al to sign). This is
not a good recipe for human survival, to put it mildly.
"The RSPB says emissions cuts of 60% must be implemented by the middle
of the 21st Century to slow down global warming. Developed countries
have agreed so far [under Kyoto] to try [!] to reduce greenhouse
emissions to 5.2% below their 1990 levels"