From the Pages of
Michael Albert
For four days this March, The Institute for
Alternative Journalism hosted a Media and Democracy
Congress in San Francisco. Hundreds of progressive media
people attended, including representatives from
periodicals, newspapers, newsletters, radio stations,
watchdog groups, video projects, production companies,
and telecommunications projects, plus independent media
workers, writers, journalists, producers, cartoonists,
photographers, and so on. It was a unique turnout with an
impressive agenda, including:
- Help alternative media meet, talk together, and
develop better ties
- Share lessons to help those present improve their
own projects
- Begin collaborations to make the world of
independent and alternative media greater than
the sum of its many parts
The Congress was immediately successful regarding
point (1). There was plenty of time to meet and talk with
people. Point (2) depends on the ingenuity and energy participants
at applying lessons learned to their own efforts around
the country. Point (3) requires serious organizational
follow-up, but also offers the greatest promise.
"Consumers" of progressive media often ask its
producers, why not get under one roof? Why not share and
cooperate? Why duplicate effort?
Of course, this sentiment can be taken too far. Magazines
have different readerships, resources, agendas, and
political aims. Ditto for other media projects. Also,
there is no single correct answer on how to do things. There needs
to be diverse projects and approaches, and many efforts
rather than few.
What is not good, however, is that each of these
diverse efforts sees the others as unconnected, or, even
worse, as competitors for resources, consumers, and content. Somehow,
those committed to speaking truth to power must all
benefit from each others efforts. This was the
impetus of many people at the conference, and is the
promise of point (3). Indeed, an explicit instruction of
the conference was that participants should go home,
distill what theyd heard, and make suggestions for
forthcoming collaborations. We decided to fulfill our "assignment"
in public, to air the views and enlist new voices in the
As a vehicle for alternative media collaborations, we
suggest creating a Federation of Alternative Media
Activists and Supporters (FAMAS). We hope others will assess,
refine, alter, amend, extend, and generally improve the suggestions
offered here for program and structure.
FAMAS might include, we believe, producing organizations
(such as publishers, radio and recording production
projects, film companies, watch dog groups, media institutes),
distributing organizations (such as alternative book
stores, speakers bureaus, radio stations, activist
organizations and conferences, etc.), producing
individuals (such as writers, film producers,
cartoonists, reporters, researchers, web spinners, public speakers,
photographers, rock performers, folk artists, comedians,
etc.), and also progressive and alternative media "consumers"
(such as readers, listeners, viewers).
Membership would presumably be based on support for
the Federations aims and on agreement to fulfill
relevant responsibilities.
The Federation could have a decision making board
composed of representatives from a rotating, sample of
member organizations and communities. Policy could be
proposed by this board or by members, voted on by the board
and then the membership, and implemented by paid staff.
In ballots of the membership, institutional and
individual members might each vote only on the policies that
directly affect them. Campaigns and projects could be implemented
by the FAMAS staff, with assistance from the board. Electronic media
could be used to tie all members into an online community
for discussion, debate, agenda development, polling, and
information exchange, with assistance to all member
organizations in setting up, linking, and training for
use, etc.
As its on-going goal, the Federation could seek to
enlarge and enhance alternative journalism and media
communication of all kinds, within the mainstream or via
alternative structures. FAMAS could affirm that alternative media
institutions (and individuals) should strive, as
possible, not to replicate cultural, economic, and gender dependencies
or structural biases common to mainstream institutions
and that all Federation members should be committed, as possible,
to acting on behalf of the entire alternative media community.
How much and what this aim would include (eliminating
racial and sexual bias, incorporating multicultural
lessons, reducing income and job quality disparities among
staff, increasing internal democracy, making way for
younger participants, reducing or eliminating dependence
on commercial ads, etc., would be matters of organization policy
as FAMAS evolved). At a minimum, FAMAS could provide
tools and training to enrich members understandings
of democracy and justice in media, of available media options
and opportunities, and of both technical and
organizational methods for avoiding elite biases and for
doing research and production valuable to the broader
social communities we serve.
But to make the entire FAMAS community larger and
stronger, as well as more than just the sum of the many
parts, another project could be to promote the community
of institutions in a collaborative manner. For example,
FAMAS might initiate a campaign to educate audiences to
the general importance of supporting alternative media by
purchasing its products, donating to its campaigns, spreading
the word about its existence, improving its content
through submissions and critique, writing letters to
promote debate, etc. Second, FAMAS could sponsor mass mailings,
ads, and events to publicize lots of alternative media
services at once, with options to subscribe to or
purchase multiple offerings at discounts.
Another related effort could be to urge (or perhaps
require as a condition of membership) all member
institutions to make their mailing lists available free
to all other member institutions (the actual cost of providing
these lists is minuscule), and to enact a parallel
campaign to (1) educate the progressive public that
progressive mailings are essential to building
alternative media institutions, and (2) educate existing alternative
media organizations that it is in everyones
collective interest that each organization and project
benefit from the outreach of all. (3) FAMAS could also
urge that at public eventsconcerts, conferences, public
talks, rallies, etc. there is always an alternative media presence,
and could even organize and mobilize that presence in a collaborative fashion.
Similarly, FAMAS could urge that every member
organization make its content available free to
significantly smaller member organizations with non-overlapping audiences.
Thus, monthly periodicals like MJ, the Nation,
the Progressive would make their articles
available to local weekly newspapers and newsletters or
other smaller publications not in the same genre. Major
radio stations and producers like Pacifica could make
their shows available to smaller stations in other regions,
free, after some delay. FAMAS could serve as or could work
with existing service bureaus, having all the appropriate
materials, written and audio, available to be faxed, e-mailed,
or sent on disk, paper, or any appropriate medium, to any
appropriate media outlet wanting it. Writers would get
the initial payment, from the first (largest) publisher (which
is all they would have gotten otherwise) as well as great
visibility from additional appearances of their work. The increasing
size of the alternative media community that FAMAS would
promote in this and other ways would, additionally, mean more
funds available to pay better fees to writers, program
producers, and so on. Issues like these would of course
have to be assessed more widely, and worked out in practice,
to develop an institution like FAMAS.
FAMAS could also act as an agent for freelance
writers, photographers, audio production people, film
makers, performers, web page spinners, artists, etc. Individual freelance
producers could submit their materials to be made visible in
some simple and indexed manner to all FAMAS member organizations. Member
organizations could then request material from the
freelance providers and conduct payments straight to them.
This could be done in many ways, of course, and the task
FAMAS would face, as in other facets of its operation, would
be to find a collaborative approach beneficial to all involved.
Another role of FAMAS could be to facilitate mutual
support alliances. These could be within a single type
media, with the Federation bringing print publishers like Z, the
Nation, In These Times, Dollars and Sense,
Covert Action Quarterly, Labor Notes, and local weeklies,
etc., into mutual contact, say (an effort that is already
underway), or bringing into alliances film and TV producers
like Global Vision, Flying Focus, and Paper Tiger, etc.
Or it could occur across media. In this latter case,
FAMAS could try, for example, to get radio like Pacifica
or progressive college stations or Alternative Radio to promote alternative
print media in their area, and to get the alternative
print media to run the stations program schedule.
Or to get speakers bureaus like Speak Out to promote
FAMAS members and media offerings, and vice versa. Or to
get progressive music performers to have alternative
media presence at their shows, and alternative media to
review their work. Or to get information providers and
creators in touch with telecommunications projects like the Institute
for Global Communications, IGC, LBBS and the new
ShareWorld, and vice versa. More generally, FAMAS could facilitate
each member bringing other members offerings to the
attention of their readers, listeners, or viewers by referencing, reviewing,
reporting on, and otherwise promoting their offerings.
FAMAS could work with alternative publishers,
bookstores, and distributors to try to enlarge and
strengthen the network of alternative outlets for
political material through stores and agencies, or at
events, conferences, and talks, etc.
FAMAS could provide a way for activist organizations
like NARAL, Citizen Action, Act Up, Food Not Bombs, the
Center for Campus Organizing, the Center for Third World
Organizing, the SEIU, the New Party, NOW, the National
Gay and Lesbian Task Force, DC SCAR, the Green Party or Greenpeace,
etc., etc. as well as more local, community and
grassroots projects to communicate their needs to
researchers, periodicals, or other information providers like
Political Research Associates, the Center for New
Democracy, URPE, the Institute for Policy Studies, etc.,
and the various relevant magazines, newspapers, and radio shows,
as well as a way for the providers to get reports and
stories/interviews from the grass roots efforts.
FAMAS could also serve as a clearing house for interns
and as a bulletin board for jobs. And, more, it could act
as a channeling mechanism for each producer like FAIR,
MJ, WBAI, Sojourners, Solidarity Magazine, Third Force Magazine,
The Womens Review of Books, etc., to provide
lessons to others and learn from the technical,
organizational, and social lessons and innovations of others, or
even to share technical resources, when appropriate.
Another possibility would be for FAMAS to undertake
fund-raising for its membership, globally, in one
package. No member would go to foundations like New World
or Veatch, for example, or even to large donors who werent directly
affiliated with them. Rather, the Federation would go to
the funding community at large and say support
alternative media, support truth in the mainstream media, here,
now, through usor not at all. FAMAS would then channel
the donor support in accord with the specific desires of
the community of media activists. It is one-stop grant
making. The Federation would be responsible to disperse
moneys raised according to some internally agreed norms, bylaws,
or votes, etc.
As to content, the Federation could propose areas of
focus or information campaigns such as keying on
affirmative action, or on corporate responsibility for
poverty, etc., so that there could be a degree of
coherence in the member organizations communicative efforts.
FAMAS could also promote free exchange of ideas, fight
censorship, fight media monopolization and particular
Congressional bills, such the recent telecommunications
bill and other reactionary media policy at the national
level, and could provide defense for FAMAS members under
attack by the Right.
FAMASs work could be funded by payments from
member institutions and individuals. Each separate person
joining as a freelance writer or artist, reader or
viewer, could have a yearly dues to pay. Each
organization could likewise have a fee, pegged to its
size and budget. As the agenda of FAMAS becomes larger,
and its financial needs greater, so too will its member
organizations and individuals benefits.
The Federation we are suggesting, in line with the
ideas and impetus of the Media and Democracy Congress,
would act so that folks now receptive to alternative
media become more supportive, so that folks who have yet
to encounter alternative media hear about it, and so that
every alternative media project and institution, from
research groups, to media watch groups, to film projects,
to weekly radio shows, to recording artists and companies,
to telecommunications projects, to alternative bookstores
and distributors, to speakers bureaus, to
publishing houses and weekly or monthly periodicals,
etc., each benefit from the advancement of all others and contribute
to that advancement as part of its daily agenda.
Solidarity with autonomy.
It is a change in mindset, so that alternative media
projects and producers transform from competitors for
audience or money to allies in a broad consciousness
raising project throughout society.
There were roughly 640 attendees at the Media and
Democracy Congress. If you asked what is an alternative
media institution, how should it be structured, what should
be its agenda, where should its funding come from, what
is the relative importance of different types of media
activity, what should be the norms for deciding content,
etc., there would be many different answers for each
question. Zs answers, for example, would not
be shared by many other folks there, and vice versa. It
is possible to have this diversity sink us. But it is
also possible to recognize, instead, that we as a
community have so many underlying needs and goals in
common that our diversity can become a strength rather
than a weakness, and can facilitate rather than obstruct
FAMAS would not reduce all its members to some common
denominator. FAMAS would not be a coalition around a few
shared sentiments. FAMAS would instead promote the mutual
support that all its members need, making the whole much
greater than just the sum of its parts. This seems to us
to be worth working for.