The second part of Dan Bashaw's overview of Harel B's "On Funding" is:
Thresholdware (software that stores user transactions, then acts on them
when a specific critical mass or threshold has been reached) has many
applications beyond the fundraising discussed in the previous Thresholdware
post [See "ThresholdWare" at]
To recap, in fundraising thresholdware works like this:
This is a powerful online fundraising approach, and I'm interested in
seeing it adopted widely by NGOs.
However, the applications of thresholdware goes well beyond the
economic realm. Consider this scenario, very loosely adapted from
Harel B's essay On Funding: A Plan to Put the Movement on Solid
Financial Ground [See for
this strategic vision essay upon which both this "Queue|Cue the
Revolution" and the previous "Thresholdware" blog are based]
Suppose -- hypothetically of course -- that there is a rogue
superpower that intends to invade and occupy several Middle Eastern
countries in 2007. Having already used up their standing army in
losing two such wars, the nation in question will need to institute a
military draft to carry out this latest project.
Based on prevous history, citizens of the rogue state might decide to
individually resist this military draft. They might do so in the
hundreds, or even thousands, in a series of symbolic actions. The
result would be a trickle of resisters, tossed into jail, or perhaps
into the new camps, if numbers warranted.
For resistance to result in stopping the proposed war, it would have
to be far more effective than past efforts, which invariably resulted
in manageable numbers of political prisoners, and the diversion of
draft resistance efforts into prisoner support campaigns.
Enter thresholdware.
On the surface, Draft Resistance is a completely separate topic from
fund-raising. But they have in common the usefulness of
conditionality. In the case of making donations, interactive,
'intelligent' and conditional donations are desirable because you
don't want to waste your donation; you would like to be able to base
your choice -- at least in part -- on what others are committed to
The same applies when the stakes are higher than money. In draft
resistance, a resister's effectiveness depends on how isolated they
will be. Will the action merely be symbolic self-sacrifice and jail,
damaging both the activist and the movement as it shifts energy from
taking action to supporting jailed activists, or can thresholdware
ensure that it becomes something much more?
How about if resistance simultaneously involves 100,000 other
citizens, organized through an encrypted thresholdware system? A
critical mass of citizens far beyond the number that can be prosecuted
and jailed? Here is one way this might work, paraphrased from Harel:
Thus anyone participating would have a high degree of confidence
that "if the software works as advertised, there is "safety (and,
also crucially, effectiveness) in numbers" -- and that "there will
be 100,000 or more of us." But not only that -- also the confidence
in and assurance of the process.
Just as having added "conditionality" allowed us -- due to
considerations of both safety and effectiveness -- to increase the
number of people willing to participate in draft resistance,
likewise, "assurance" procedures such as these would increase even
further the number of people who are ready, willing, and able to
take part in such a mass-based act of civil disobedience.
Thinking still further ahead=85 The government may try to make
it a criminal offense to even conditionally give permission to the
grassroots organization to send out such a letter on your behalf,
but that runs into several problems. First, how will the government
find out you did it, without succeeding in breaking the encryption
of the grassroots campaign's computers?
And what if the government goes after grassroots organizations
suspected of running the "conditional draft resistance"? Let's just
say that there may be a lesson to be learned from the history of
file sharing, where Napster was much easier to deal with, having a
central server, than the Gnutella type de-centralized software,
where no central body is in control, but large numbers of users just
choose to get together and run that software. Similar ideas could --
and should -- be investigated to protect citizen's rights and
freedoms from unjust control by the State.
While the draft resistance scenario is extreme -- and the capabilities
of modern national security agencies to oppose this kind of action may
be under-estimated in this basic scenario -- it does dramatically
point to the potential use of thresholdware in citizen actions: strike
votes, union organizing, tax revolts and more could certainly be
organized and carried out using secure thresholdware.
As for the underlying technology for secure thresholdware, there is
much work that has been done in the last few years, some of which is
summarized in Using Technology to Protect Free Speech in Dangerous
Places [], posted on
WorldChanging. Much of the software discussed is available at Secure
NGO in a Box []
It is not hard to roadmap a secure thresholdware application based on
current open source technologies: It's a sweet spot at the
intersection of secure communications, distributed storage, and
decision-making groupware -- a Free/Libre Open Source application just
waiting to be built -- Queue|Cue the Revolution!
-Dan Bashaw
Queue|Cue the Revolution
(orig. copy)
under: woc2006, thresholdware, SocialTech, webofchange, open source
Dan Bashaw @ 1:34 pm
[Commonly] a $100,000 project might be built out of many small
donations. Using thresholdware allows users to rack a $50 donation
onto their credit card, with the knowledge that it will not be
processed until enough donations have come in to make the project a
success. By using thresholdware, the risk of your donation
disappearing into a black hole because a project does not raise
enough funds to succeed is eliminated: every donation is actualized
in the real world, and donors can be confident that their
contribution will make a difference.
Say the campaign was set up so that all resistors would
simultaneously send a letter of non-compliance and their defaced
draft card to the authorities. One concern participants might have
is that of premature release of their identifying information. To
guard against this, we might imagine an independent organization
like a lawyers' guild, looking at the online secure 'draft
resistence thresholdware' software, and being willing > to offer a
kind of insurance to each participant: insuring them against the
very unlikely possibility that there is a malfunction and a letter
is sent with their (pre-authorized) signature, but with a total
number of such resistors being less than the limit they set (100,000
in our example). That is certainly a possibility. The insurance may
include money, guaranteed hours of free legal defense, or both.
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