Subject: Open Letter to Bush from Texan --text follows this line-- Nobody, including Texans, wants to go to war with Iraq. Look who's not enlisting. OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT BUSH: Dear President Bush, Nobody wants to go to war with Iraq. * This is not just "inside the Beltway." My family actually is from Texas, where my late father, his brothers, and his (future) brothers-in-law - good East Texas boys -- all enlisted around the time of Pearl Harbor. I just got back from two weeks in Houston in August; in my home state of Texas, enthusiasm for war with Iraq is nonexistent. Recruitment is an uphill struggle targeting mostly Mexican-American and African-American youth whose grades are down; and enlistments are down. In Texas, you are not considered "popular," not that that matters. * Same with every other state. Usually, when there's a downturn in the economy, military enlistments go up; not this time. Given the unresolved controversy over the unapproved anthrax "vaccine," some veterans are urging people not to enlist. * The reason reservists' tours of duty had to be lengthened is that no one is joining up; the military is so overextended (with armies in Japan, Korea, and for some reason Germany) that to defeat Iraq it will have to bomb Iraq's cities - which will make this country look like the Third Reich; and you're paying for the whole effort basically with a big credit card. * One young person in the DC area tried several times last year to get a military recruiter to visit him; he didn't have any other job prospects. As luck would have it, when the recruiter got in touch, it was - you guessed it -- September 12, 2001. The response was along the lines of "Uh, that's okay," and I don't blame him. * I neither know nor know of any journalist, among all those reporting war against Iraq as though it were worthy of considering, whose own offspring are enlisting or who are being brought up to enlist. * Rabid warbucks commentators like Michael Kelly, William Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, and George F. Will are likewise contributing no family genes to war against Iraq. * Your few out-and-out war boosters in Congress, including members of the Armed Services committees, have, among them, a combined total of zero young relatives enlisting to fight Iraq. Even members of Congress who have appeared on Sunday morning talk shows to pump up the war talk are not sending anyone off from their own front porches, not even those who actually were in the military themselves years ago. This is not "hypocrisy," by the way. The offspring of educated families know that Iraq is a third-world country with no nukes. * Ditto Vice President Cheney. * Your own combat-age offspring and your grown nephews and nieces are not dashing out to join up; your second and third cousins in the extended clan are not enlisting to fight Iraq - none of them. Even your relatives drawing public money through government work are not returning the favor by sending their own flesh and blood off to war with Iraq. They're right not to, of course. Once again, the reason they're not going is that there is no reason to go. In fairness, I cannot say that you yourself are not paying a price for all this. Every time you, Vice President Cheney, a congressman, or any of those checkbook rightwingers on television call for "regime change," I flinch. The chickens always come home to roost. These chickenhawks, all old enough to remember the early 1960s, seem strangely oblivious to the jeopardy for you. I may not have voted for you, but I can truthfully say I would not want to see one hair of your head placed in danger. No number of military contracts is worth this, no false flattery, no oil fields. Oil is a finite resource, and when it runs out, we shall learn to do without it, because we'll have to. If we focus on meeting our needs, we'll meet them, and by making America an example for the world, we'll have all the triumph we need. * Are millions of good Americans not joining up because they lack patriotism? No. They're not joining up because they know there's no good reason to go to war with Iraq. Margie Burns 301-386-5615